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Greeting Hub is a public chatting platform where you can interact with new people and make new friends.

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Free online Public Chatroom

GH is an online Pakistani chatting platform where people from all over the world are eligible to join and interact with others. GH aims to make chat better for its users by keeping the following key points in mind.

Ensure Privacy

We know very well the about the things that should be kept private in a public chatroom, hence all you have to do is keep on chatting and let us worry for you.

Clean Design

We haven't tried to make the design very clingy by filling it with unwanted stuff, instead we have maintained a clean and neat design that is also soothing to the eyes.

User Support

We try to address all kinds of issues that the users might be facing and take necessary actions in order to resolve them.


Who We Are

Our success depends on the strength of our team. All 4 of us have equal contribution to build this chatroom, some contributed in terms of ideas and others by working on those ideas.


Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Waleed Siddiqui

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Waleed Siddiqui


Exercitation ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Super Admin


Amazing fetaures of GH

We are consistently working on the features of GH in order to make the experience of our users even better. The room is currently packed with the following features.


Listen to our FM while chatting.

The room has a built in FM radio where you can listen to songs while chatting. You can also suggest your favourite songs to the FM head and he will make sure to add thos songs in our playlist.


The chatroom is filled with eye catching colors.

GH is filled with an amazing collection of light and dark colors. You can set these colors as your profile background and as your font color.


Dedicate songs to your friends.

You can dedicate songs to your friends and those songs will be listed in the dedications panel of the room. the users will also be notified whenever a song is dedicated to some one.


Don't want to use private messaging for personal messages?.

The whisper feature allows the user to whisper a message to some one on main chat and that message can only be viewed by the targeted person.

There are friends
There is Family
And Then there are friends
That become

— GH —

The Process

Simple process just register and chat


Click on the register button and input your valid credentials to sign up, also if you want to have a quick look at the chatroom without registering you can use the guest option.


To maintain the integrity of the room we require our users to provide a valid email and hence you will have to verify your e-mail using a link that will be deliverd to you at your e-mail address.


Profile setup is very important when it comes to virtual chat, so setup your profile before you input your first message.


That's it follow these simple steps and you are done, all it will take is approximately 3-4 mins.

Our Numbers

here is the current count of our members

Staff Members
In total

Note: Guest numbers vary every other day.

Our Reviews

What users Say

We take feedback of our users very seriously as it helps us in making the chatroom even better, we are open for all positive and negative feedbacks. Following are some of the feedbacks that are given to us by our users.

Fusce hendrerit enim et lacus rutrum, fermentum consectetur mauris hendrerit. Mauris scelerisque, est eget convallis blandit, lorem est scelerisque dolor, non dapibus orci enim ut risus. Praesent rhoncus ex sit amet nunc luctus, nec eleifend erat suscipit. In feugiat dui eget gravida dignissim. Quisque sed dictum felis. Integer viverra iaculis nulla, a euismod est. Nulla nec felis ipsum. Phasellus sed scelerisque nisl, eu condimentum metus. Aenean convallis risus nec eleifend pharetra. Vivamus rhoncus eleifend mi in imperdiet. Nullam a justo quis dolor viverra elementum. Nam eleifend leo quis elementum cursus.

Sed dapibus, leo ut egestas convallis, leo purus condimentum ipsum, sit amet lobortis odio nisi id enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi suscipit, mi in interdum volutpat, quam mi porta nisi, dapibus placerat sapien tortor eleifend arcu. Cras sit amet euismod mi, non imperdiet felis. Praesent eros nibh, ullamcorper ut suscipit sit amet, mattis sollicitudin lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis in enim sit amet nibh placerat consectetur id et enim. Nunc nec dui ac ligula posuere posuere vel id metus. Integer maximus eros nec lobortis tempor.

Nam eget ex mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam blandit, enim nec rutrum maximus, odio purus maximus odio, vel mattis nisi ante ut velit. Nam ut turpis vel dolor maximus dictum. Donec blandit turpis ut vulputate facilisis. Nam est nisi, posuere vitae posuere in, viverra non tellus. Pellentesque congue, sapien eget sollicitudin sollicitudin, est leo imperdiet ante, facilisis viverra mi augue in leo. Vestibulum felis urna, pharetra et eros ut, mattis consequat mi. Curabitur id tortor mattis, aliquet eros hendrerit, mattis metus. Ut dignissim vel augue in congue. Nulla a ante ut mi scelerisque suscipit. Aenean condimentum turpis mi, sit amet ullamcorper mi commodo non.

Nulla egestas eu odio ac dictum. Phasellus eu odio lectus. Fusce luctus tempor mauris, vel accumsan leo. Nam libero velit, ultrices vel malesuada nec, euismod nec dolor. Maecenas congue erat sed maximus semper. Aliquam vestibulum magna sit amet pulvinar vestibulum. Cras semper condimentum ante, eget suscipit sapien. Sed ac urna nunc. Aenean viverra sem sit amet dolor pretium fringilla. Nam luctus tempus nibh vitae efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Fusce non commodo sapien, quis ultrices enim. Proin in placerat urna. Nulla luctus leo nec massa vestibulum consequat quis a quam. Maecenas et leo ut orci fringilla ornare non sit amet lectus. Donec ornare eros tortor, sit amet condimentum lectus placerat ut. Duis lacus neque, lacinia non nunc id, aliquet tincidunt orci. In tellus felis, posuere non est rhoncus, tincidunt elementum sapien. Sed non sagittis ante. Duis ultricies mi dolor, feugiat blandit metus ullamcorper nec. Nullam semper gravida consequat. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sit amet nisi at enim lacinia dignissim. Aenean suscipit pulvinar ex, eu venenatis magna dapibus sit amet.

Proin non augue posuere, iaculis tortor in, molestie lorem. Praesent ut gravida sem. Aenean sit amet lorem leo. Curabitur risus ante, pulvinar vel erat viverra, porttitor volutpat turpis. Praesent et sapien interdum, sollicitudin nisi non, bibendum leo. Duis posuere lectus velit, vel volutpat massa blandit non. Donec pellentesque vel magna ut dignissim. Pellentesque luctus fringilla eros, in tempus neque venenatis consectetur. Pellentesque purus mauris, laoreet eget augue in, pellentesque sagittis arcu. Etiam at blandit lectus, sit amet volutpat tellus.

Donec ac consectetur neque, vel eleifend nisi. In et nibh at neque convallis tincidunt. Aliquam sodales odio vel malesuada interdum. Duis auctor malesuada lorem. Nulla sed neque ut dui imperdiet congue ut sit amet enim. Phasellus vel commodo dui. Aliquam eu eleifend diam, vitae dapibus velit. Suspendisse ac est hendrerit, mollis lectus vel, accumsan urna. Quisque sit amet iaculis libero, sed maximus justo. Nunc laoreet non libero eu vehicula. Vestibulum ex lectus, pharetra non elementum et, gravida quis mauris. Donec sodales odio eget accumsan blandit.

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using this form.

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